Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 4 Insanity Workout Day 1

This is week four. Day 1. I am going to do pure cardio and cardio abs. I hope it won't be as hard as last time.I really don't like to do this cardio workout, and I wasn't really a big fan of boot camp workout, but ironically, the more I do it and the farther I got along with this program, the more I like it. It is a JOKE!
Good Luck.

Doing cardio workout is a necessity for developing a lean abs and muscular body. Now, right in front of me it's this best cardio workout I have ever done, so
I am going to take advantage of it.

Pure cardio is a non-repeat workout, meaning that all and do each exercise one time and you can move on to the next one.

This seems to make the workout more fun to play with.

Cardio abs, it's nice to sit down after an intense workout from  pure cardio, and the best thing about cardio is there are no crunches.

Shuan T: Transformation of your body with 60 days with Insanity!

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week Three Saturday After Workout

Finally, I finished my Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Now I can go to bed. I hope next week is going to be easier.

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Insanity Week 3 Saturday

Today is Saturday Again, and I can't wait to do my Plyometric Circuit. Luck this week I only have to do one workout.

It is just what is said it is a killer workout. Plyometric involves many jumping and running in place after the warm-up.
In circuit training you get 30 second rest in between sets which was a giant challenge to me.
It was created on the purpose on having a long workout with little rest comparing other type of cardio training a long rest and a short burst of workout.

Are you willing to try with me?

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Insanity Week Three Day 1

Today is Monday, and I am ready to do my fit test again. I hope I can make improvement.

I Hate Being:

I workout in the shadow where no light is found, I demand myself forward, though nothing else seem too.
This guy is really working down the shadow. Yes! I just found a guy just like me. 

Insanity is a KILLER

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Insanity week Two Saturday after workout.

Wow. I actually done it. Unbelievable. I am so happy today. Even though I am totally exhausted and ready to go to bed I still have to write it and make sure for the next few weeks I will be totally committed.


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Insanity Week 2 Saturday.

Today I have two work outs.  I decided to do it separately because I don't want to kill myself in a 2 hours marathon.Watch these amazing guys doing it before my workout always keeps me alert of what's coming for me. what is envision is real! This is what I am envisioning.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Week Two Insanity Day 1

Insanity Week Two. Today is Monday. Cardio Power and Resistance. Ready To Rock N Roll. Motivation is King!!!

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week One Saturday Afterworkout

Wow, Finally finished my Plyometric Cardio Circuit, sweating like crazy but I am proud of myself for this week.

STAN "KAS" WILLIAMS's Journey to Insanity.
Wanna lose weights and Get Fit?
Get Inspire!
Read More:

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Week One Saturday

I fought through the whole week and each day is getting harder and harder, I believe I can do my last work out today. Working on how to make better adjustment to my 2135 calories diet.

Insanity: Plyometric Cardio Circuit Review

Insanity Week One

Week one of Insanity:

I finally got my hand on the program. This is Day 1 Fit Test.
And I was doing it with my friends and they seemed to have a hard time doing it and We were sweating like crazy,it was a mental breakdown and I manage to push myself to the limits and move my heavy body for 32 minutes, and I look over every one else to see if they are still alive and we came out

hard. I always thought I am in better shape, but the numbers from my fit test told the truth, and I was totally driven to go for it. I was completely sold by this program.
And everyone had the facial expression of just came out of an heart attack.And it was only the beginning!

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